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Wednesday, October 31, 2007(:
h0h0h0s hai all [:
tuhdae, during P.E lesson we plae dunno whad ball l0rhs throw throw throw l0rhs. den M.T lesson le . after dat, mrs thomas period.we discuss the little india project . my group kip do wrong gert scold x.x
aiyars. other group whu finish. read their book. we oso gort do H.E .den we hab i think a bit time , mrs thomas take foto of us &' hmm the drawer we had made from each group .
den after dat gtg le when back home tt all baiii [:


Its another day with 6H

Tuesday, October 30, 2007(:
oh haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[:
tuhdae went tuh little india ^^the guild lead us l0rhs. den we go tuh some place l0rhs. afterr dat, we go tuh the temple . firstly, we mus remove our shoe , respect them , no foto taking LOL. bud we asked them .they sae can den we take l0rhs. we go in we noe abt little india temple.
hmm den we went tuh eat. foodcourt :D , of course all went tuh food court :x. hmm we eatting while mrs thomas take a picture of us. hmm we go wash room, go buy food . go buy drink .
den when the time up , we hab tuh went back tuh the place we meet jus now.den dat person gib us try some food dat indians lide tuh eat. &' sweet. den suddenly rain.we hab tuh go back.so, we take the bus &' went back tuh sku . continue our lesson. tt all :x


Its another day with 6H

Monday, October 29, 2007(:
ehs i dun rly rmb tuhmoro need bring whad?

i think ..

-water bottles.
-pencil case.
-max{ $10}
-digital camera { optional }

liddat i think :X

hmm tuhdaes our art works done :D

woots. tuhmoro excursiion . :D


Its another day with 6H

Sunday, October 28, 2007(:
hellos !

um . v lonqq nvr wriite iin 6h bloqq lerhs ..
6h ppl , post more lehs !
tmr goiinqq excursiion lerhs .
rmb to briinqq the thiinqqs mrs thomas ask us to briinqq horhs !

xiiaogurl .

Its another day with 6H

Friday, October 26, 2007(:
WOOTs. haii. [: tuhdae gort 2 sku come our sku .
1 is holly other is peihwa [: wahh peihwa [: my favourite LOL :D
hmm holl tok first den peihwa . aiyars . during mrs thomas's period tt time, we only
need tuh do whad abt little india &' den left abt 5 or 1o min slience reading .
hmm hmm . den bell rang we gone home tt all LOL [:
baiiiiiii [:


Its another day with 6H

Thursday, October 25, 2007(:
haiiiiii [:
tuhdae we doing art again :D.
we paste it . we did the big box &' small box le . wah den my group paste wrongly x.x
nbr paste the number properly hais bud we alr pasted . no choice , teacher noe le den call us
tuh put in the small boxes. actuallii is surpose tuh paste outside the small box, bud we alr use black paper tuh cover le somemore 2 boxes oso forgert ._." hais, den we put inside l0rhs.
no space teacher call us cut . other group did nort bad :D
den afterr recess, the ppl from xinmin sec sku come tuh our sku tuh tok abt thier sku.
wah 1 question gert 2+ LOLIPOPS ehs some1 gert 7 lolipop only answer 3 or 5 question .
hahas den they tok tok tok :X tok till 12:5oPM den we need tuh go tuh our M.T class .

tt all. :D
baiibaii [:


Its another day with 6H

Wednesday, October 24, 2007(:
hellos !

hmm . . todae do art iin class .
hahas , shho funny siia !
do liiaos dhe okaes bt keep on dropiinqq .
OMG lorhs .
wanna diie .

hmm will miss all of ue iin 6H derhs !
mux rmb me horhs .
hehes . >.<

jillian .

Its another day with 6H

smaucks xDD
hahas Jillian ahmeii nice work fer class bloq xDD
kekes haiish all 6H pupils muz not ferget each others arhs muz rmb the time euu habb funn wiith eur fwens !!! xDD hopes all will go to da secondry skull euu wann to xDD nnd habb funn theres nnd enjoyed eurself xDD ii will miss all of euu guys ders xCC hahas x33 all fwens xDD
xiiaojoyce a.k.a joyce

Its another day with 6H

Tuesday, October 23, 2007(:
hellos ! XDD

hmm . . 6H bloqq hab completed !
hahahas !
hope the non-chiinese dun miind the sonqqs .
sry . X((
hehes . . .
hmm . . will be creatiinqq a frenster group for 6h too . .
hmm . . enjoy the sonqq barhs !
tiis sonqq dunno how to sae out lehs .
aiiyas , jux liisten lorhs .
hehes .

ndd to 6h pupiils get from me the password for the account iif ue wanna post .

jillian .

Its another day with 6H

Class Rules


+ please enjoy your stay here. :D
+ absolutely NO spammers allowed.
+ kindly DO NOT pollute my tagboard.
+ your whatsoever rules here ;D
+ if you hate US, please click HERE.

Notice Board

★Thursday , 22 November , PSLE RESULTS !!

★Friday - Wednesday , 23November - 28November , Choosing of Secondary School .
★Wednesday , 19December , Posting of Secondary School .
★Thursday , 25 August ' Xinmin Secondary School coming for a talk .

★Friday , 26 August ' Holy Innocents High School coming for a talk .

Friday , 26 August , Pei Hwa Secondaryl School coming for a talk .

★Thursday , 1 November ' Digital Art Enrichment .

★Monday , 5 November ' Serangoon Secondaryl School coming for a talk .

★Wednesday , 7 November ' Punggol Secondary School coming for a talk .

★Wednesday , 7 November , Bowen Secondary School coming for a talk .

★Wednesday , 7 November , Serangoon Garden Secondary School coming for a talk .

★Monday , 12 November , Graduation Party .

★Tuesday , 30 October , Learning Journey to Little India .


★Sign Reply Slip for Speech Day . Hand it in on Friday , 9 November .
★Sign Edusave form for Digital Art Enrichment . Hand it in on Thursday , 25 October .

★Bring tie every monday .
★Bring storybook everydaey for the half-an hour reading in class with Mrs Thomas .
★Bring $8 / $5 / $3 for class photos and graduation party .

★Sign Graduation Consent Form . Hand it in on Monday , 5 October .

Those Hyper Teachers

6H form teacher . Mrs Amy Thomas .
6.4 chinese teacher . Miss Oh Soo Hwee
6.5 chinese teacher . Mdm Wong Wan Hui
6.6 chinese teacher . Mdm Kong Yoke Yeng
6.7 chinese teacher . Mdm Cheong Pui Lai
6.8 chinese teacher . Mrs Goh- Low Lee San
6.9 chinese teacher . Mrs Jenevieve Seeh
malay teacher . Mdm Zubaidah
tamil teacher . Mdm Sivakamy
music teacher . Mrs Lim Ai Hoon

Those Hyper Students

Study Together ! Play Together !

#. Adeline .
#. Ayu .
#. Joyce .
#. Wanyi .
#. Pei Xian .
#. Hui Ru .
#. Rachel .
#. Teresa . [ Monitress ]
#. Wei Ting .
#. Mei Ling .
#. Nadirah .
#. Rafidah .
#. Umirah .
#. Jillian .
#. Limin .
#. Sheryln .
#. Shuwen .
#. Wen Qing .
#. Hui Fang .
#. Tiong Hian .
#. Eddie .
#. Yiwei .
#. Elton . [ Monitor ]
#. Qi Pan .
#. Clarence .
#. Yong Xiang .
#. Zhi Hao .
#. Shawn .
#. Gibson .
#. Thao Boon .
#. Hector .
#. Hazwan .
#. Harendran .
#. Raylen .
#. Alvis .
#. Riyan .
#. Benjamin .
#. Wei Chang .
#. Chee Sheun .

Those Babies

Ayu , 0302
Joyce , 1202

Yiwei , 2401
Rafidah , 2302
Limin , 0603

Elton , 3003
Sheryln , 0704
Qi Pan , 0304
Nadirah , 1904

Jillian , 0305

Alvis , 2305
Tiong Hian , 2805
Hector , 1406
Huiru , 1506
Wanyi , 1906

Rachel , 2206
Clarence , 1207
Thao Boon , 1307


Umirah , 3108
Adeline , 0809
Chee Sheun , 2109


Wei Ting , 2610
Gibson , 2810
Teresa , 1611

Zhi Hao , 2711

Raylen , 1101

*sorry some never write . XP

Chit Chat

Music Lessons

Now Teaching : Alvin & The Chipmunks - Bad Day

Sing Along
Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to gray
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carryin' on
Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Will you need a blue sky holiday?
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
(Oooh.. a holiday..)
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Times With 6H

x October 2007
x November 2007
x December 2007
x January 2008

Class Dismiss

+Alvis .
+Jillian .
+Joyce .
+Wanyi .